Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tribute to Jose D. Aspiras

August 19, 2013
Agoo, La Union


August 18, 1924 – November 14, 1999

                  Statesman, Legislator, Administrator, Journalist
                  Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great
                  Former President of the National Press Club
                  Former Minister of Tourism
                  Former Congressman, 2nd District, La Union
                  Current Resident Representative of the Manila 
                  Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) in Taiwan

           During Sunshine Joe’s wake at the Basilica of Our Lady of Charity, I interviewed people around:


(The Ilocandia Express, November 17, 1999)

          As a congressman, he served par excellence and had been a veteran legislator. As a friend, I was the closest to him. He was a true friend and very helpful. – Congressman Bernardo Vergara, Baguio City

          He had a great passion to serve the people even to the end. He has shone brightly as a public servant, both in our country and abroad.
          His life, work and service have made La Union a better place to live in. His legacy as a great leader will be long remembered by our people for he was a favourite son of La Union. – Gov. Justo. O. Orros, Jr., La Union
          Not only the 2nd District of La Union but the whole country had lost a leader who had contributed unforgettable accomplishments in terms of tourism projects entire the country, both visible and intangible accomplishments which could not be counted of in numbers brought to the 1st and 2nd District of La Union while he was still Congressman, including the churches.
          Not only people of Agoo will miss “Sunshine Joe” but the whole country as well. – La Union Senior Board Member Rolando Rivera and a former Sangguniang Bayan Member of Agoo.
          He was a great man and a favourite son of La Union. We feel so depressed and shock by his demise. He built man land mark infrastructures. – Mayor Franny Eriguel, Agoo, La Union
           Dakkel ti pukaw iti ipapanaw ni Apo Jose D. Aspiras, saan laeng para iti nasyon, ti probinsya, iti ili, no di para ti pamilya a De Guzman. Nabayag ti panaggagem ti pamilya De Guzman ken ti Aspiras. Ladingeten ti pamilya De Guzman ti ipupusay ni Apo Aspiras nga isu iti sumagmamano pay a tawen.
          Adu ti naited ni Apo Aspiras iti nagbalinan ken idudur-as iti ili ti Bauang.
          Dakkel a dayaw ni Apo Aspiras, nga anak ti La Union a nagbalin a sekretaryo iti Tourismo a mabigbigbig saan laeng nga ditoy pagilian tayo no diket iti intero a lubong. Maysa isuna a natakneng a tao nga nangitandudo ti probinsya a La Union.
         Dawatek kadagiti pamilyana nga no adda nagkurkurangan ti pamilya De Guzman ket maawatanda koma.
          Dawatek kadagiti umili nga ilualo tayo iti panakabendisyon ti kararuana. – Mayor Eulogio Clarence Martin De Guzman, Bauang, La Union
           He was a good man, he had his moments, his legacy will be unsurpassed. My regret is that I could have known him better. Instead, I practically grew up and became a lawyer denying I was him or his son or compulsory heir. – Lawyer Jose Ventura Aspiras
          He made our province most beautiful and he was the congressman who has ever served our district. – Casimiro Mabutas, former Municipal Treasurer.
          As expected the outpour of grief is so insurmountable. He is well-loved by so many people from all walks of life, the rich and the poor, and all government officials well. This shows that he served well in all capacities. I hope we can produce another like him. It is a great loss to us considering that he is one of the advisers of the President, He is so different compared to modern day public politicians in reference to his sincerity, dedication and he has done a lot for the province and for the country as well! There is no substitute for “Sunshine Joe”. – Atty. Rey Dulay, Director, John Hay Poro Point Development Corporation (JPDC)
          He is a legend and Godfather of La Union. He loved all kinds of people even those who tried to destroy him. – Florie Flores of San Jose California
           He’s well-loved and he will be missed terribly. – Iking Rivera and Iling Sison, Agoo, La Union


  1. A Man of Honor and Dignity. True son Of Agoo and beloved father of LA UNION.- ROB ASPIRAS, descendant of Lolo Pepito.

  2. Eric aspiras kilala nyu po ba si lolo romeo aspiras
